Preparing for Advent of Code 2020

As December 2020 comes closer to us, I will be preparing myself to begin working on my Advent of Code strategy for 2020. If you're not familiar with Advent of Code I suggest taking a look at the site if you're at all interested in programming, or learning to program in any capacity. From the site itself:
Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like.
I participated in a small portion of Advent of Code last year (there were a lot of work things that took my attention, and I wanted to make sure I could fulfill those obligations along with everything else. I believe that I made it part way through Day 17, then kind of gave up as my original solution to the processing script was not amazing and I didn't want to spend time refactoring. In 2020, I plan on doing the 2020 event in Java (as my work is in Java, and I feel like I want to learn more about Java 8+ Streams). I also want to use this time to expand language knowledge by doing previous events in different languages. I plan on re-doing the 2019 Advent of Code in python (again, I only got partially through the 17th day). I also want to do the 2018 advent of code in C#/.NET to start to expand a bit more on that stack.
I will be hosting a private leaderboard through advent of code and you can join in with the code 699615-aae0e8af
. I believe that the leaderboards are also available for all events (so if you want to track old events with me, you are welcome to do so). My plan is to try to do at least the 2020 puzzle (in Java) each day of the advent and see if I can re-create my 2019 (in python) and 2018 (in C#/.NET) if I have time. Feel free to follow along with me, or work on your own pace. The hope is to extend my knowledge of different ways of tackling problems.
I also plan on blogging my daily solutions with my Java Code which will also be available on GitHub as I complete them. If you have any desire to join in on the advent of code, or have any desire to learn more, feel free to join my leaderboard (make sure you log into the site with some sort of account so you can save your progress) and/or comment on posts as you see fit on my blog here or on Twitter.
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